SpaceControl DLL
Version 2.8.9
API documentation for the SpaceControl 3D input devices
The SpaceController DLL's header file. More...
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "scDevPars.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | ScCom |
Structure needed for communication via the MS Windows messaging system or the X-Server messaging system under Linux. More... | |
struct | ScDevInfo |
Information structure concerning a SpaceController device. More... | |
struct | ScVersion |
Structure holding the Daemon software's version no. More... | |
struct | ScFgAppl |
Structure holding a foreground application's name and state. More... | |
struct | ScFilename |
Structure holding the path and filename of a configuration file to write to harddisk or read from it. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | SC_API |
macro is needed for defining DLL ex- and import | |
#define | MIN_STD_MODE 0 |
smallest standard mode parameter for scSetStdMode() | |
#define | MAX_STD_MODE 7 |
biggest standard mode parameter for scSetStdMode(), 7 = 00000111 | |
#define | MIN_CMPR_MODE 0 |
smallest compression mode parameter for scSetCmprMode() | |
#define | MAX_CMPR_MODE 119 |
biggest compression mode parameter for scSetCmprMode(), 119 = 01110111 | |
#define | MIN_PERIOD 0 |
smallest data rate parameter for scSetSendDelay() | |
#define | MAX_PERIOD 405 |
biggest data rate parameter for scSetSendDelay() (>400 => no data will be sent) | |
#define | MIN_SENS 0 |
smallest sensitivity for scSetSens() | |
#define | MAX_SENS 15 |
biggest sensitivity for scSetSens() | |
#define | MIN_NULL_RAD 0 |
smallest null radius for scSetNullRad() | |
#define | MAX_NULL_RAD 15 |
biggest null radius for scSetNullRad() | |
#define | MIN_BRIGHTNESS 0 |
smallest brightness for LEDs and LCD | |
#define | MAX_BRIGHTNESS 15 |
biggest brightness for LEDs and LCD | |
#define | MIN_COLOR_VAL 0 |
smallest value of a color compartment (RGB) | |
#define | MAX_COLOR_VAL 255 |
biggest value of a color compartment (RGB) | |
#define | MAX_AVE_NUM 15 |
maximal number of values used for averaging the standard data | |
indicator for no change in brightness | |
add this value to the wanted brightness to avoid daemon's suppressing of same values | |
#define | MIN_LMH_BND 0 |
smallest value for low, mid, high bounderies | |
#define | MAX_LMH_BND 5000 |
biggest value for low, mid, high bounderies | |
#define | RAW_DATA_LEN 28 |
length of the raw data buffer | |
#define | MAX_FRM_REC_DATA_LEN 83 |
max. lenght of a firmware hex record message + controller byte + header byte + NULL | |
#define | RAM_PAGE_PART_LEN 69 |
length of a message for updating the display's RAM (1/8th page) | |
#define | LED_NUM 33 |
Anzahl der LEDs. | |
#define | MAX_DEV_NUM 16 |
max. number of devices to be connected to the computer | |
#define | MIN_KEY_IDX 0 |
smallest possible index for the device's keys (there are 17 keys) | |
#define | MAX_KEY_IDX 16 |
biggest possible index for the device's keys (there are 17 keys) | |
#define | MAX_STR_LEN 32 |
max. length of character strings sent to the daemon | |
#define | MAX_DSPL_STR_LEN 40 |
max. length of a string in the LCD | |
#define | MIN_DSPL_ROW 0 |
min. row to be set in the LCD | |
#define | MAX_DSPL_ROW 6 |
max. row to be set in the LCD | |
#define | FLAG_OFFSET 100 |
Offset, um besondere Zustaende zu signalisieren. | |
#define | MOTION_EVT "MotionEvent" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | BUT_PRESS_EVT "ButtonPressEvent" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | BUT_REL_EVT "ButtonReleaseEvent" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | CMD_EVT "CommandEvent" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | TASK_BAR_EVT "TaskBarEvent" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | UNNAMED_TRNS "unnamedTrncvr" |
internal name for applications not given a special name | |
#define | DEV_DCN_EVT "DeviceDisconnectEvent" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | SB_MOTION_EVT "SpaceballMotionEventType" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | SB_BUT_PRESS_EVT "SpaceballButtonPressEventType" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | SB_BUT_REL_EVT "SpaceballButtonReleaseEventType" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | SB_CMD_EVT "SpaceballPassThruCommandEventType" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | SW_CMD_EVT "SpaceWarePassThruCommandEventType" |
message string for RegisterWindowMessage() | |
#define | MAX_SERIALNO_LEN 16 |
serial number's max. length | |
#define | MAX_DESCRPTN_LEN 64 |
description's max. length | |
#define | MAX_VERSION_LEN 16 |
version number's max. length | |
#define | MAX_FILENAME_LEN 256 |
max. length of path and filename for configuration files (and logging files) | |
#define | MAX_APPL_NAME_LEN 32 |
maximal length of an application name | |
#define | MAX_APPL_STATE_LEN 32 |
maximal length of an application's state | |
Typedefs | |
typedef int(* | stdDataCallbackP) (short x, short y, short z, short a, short b, short c, int traLmh, int rotLmh, int event, long tvSec, long tvUsec) |
Callback function's signature when using scRegisterCallbackFunction() to get data packets from a device. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | WinEvents { MotionEvent = 24869, ButtonPressEvent, ButtonReleaseEvent, CommandEvent, TaskBarEvent } |
Enumeration for the various Windows-Events for Windows message handling. | |
enum | WinCommands { MagellanNoCommand, MagellanStop, MagellanSetWindowCommand = 27695, MagellanApplicationSensitivity, MagellanRingBell, MagellanApplicationStarts, MagellanModeChange, MagellanNullRadiusChange, MagellanControlPanel, MagellanInternSendCommand, MagellanSetActiveLed, StopDriver, OpenControlPanel, ShowVersionInfo } |
In case of a command event these commands are possible. | |
Enumeration to name the device's keys. | |
Enumeration to name the parameters in the daemon.ini's [PROGRAM] section. | |
This enumeration is reserved for internal use. | |
These status values are returned by the DLL functions. More... | |
Functions | |
SC_API char * | scStatusToStr (ScStatus ks) |
Returns a DLL function's status code as a string. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scIsProcessRunning (char *processName, bool *isRunningP) |
Checks if the process with the given name is running or not. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetCurrentUserRegValue (char *keyP, char *nameP, char *valueP) |
Sets a new string value into the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scQueryCurrentUserRegValue (char *keyP, char *nameP, int len, char *valueP) |
Queries a string value from the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scDelCurrentUserRegValue (char *keyP, char *nameP) |
Deletes a string value in the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scConnect2 (bool isAlwaysReceivingData, char *applName) |
Establishes the connection to the SpaceControl daemon. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scConnect () |
SC_API ScStatus | scDisconnect () |
Closes the connection to the SpaceControl daemon. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scStop () |
Sends the SpaceControl Daemon a stop message, the process finishes itself after sending an OK message. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDmnVrsn (char *versionP, char *pathP) |
Retrieves the SpaceControl daemon's software version and its binary name and path. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDevNum (int *devNumP, int *usedDevNumP, int *maxDevIdxP) |
Retrieves the number devNum of SpaceControl devices actually connected to the computer, the number usedDevNum of SpaceControl devices actually used by the driver and the maximal device index maxDevIdx a device may be addressed with at the moment. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetFgAppl (char *fgApplP, char *fgApplStateP) |
Retrieves the name and potentially the state of the foreground application. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDllLogPars (char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen], int *maxSizeP, bool *isLogToFileP, bool *isLogToCnslP, bool *isWrnP, bool *isCrtP, bool *isTrcP, bool *isDcmP, bool *isIcmP, bool *isInfP, bool *isDbgP, bool *isTmpP, char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen]) |
Retrieves the logging parameters and filenames actually used by the internal DLL functions. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetDllLogPars (char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen], int maxSize, bool isLogToFile, bool isLogToCnsl, bool isWrn, bool isCrt, bool isTrc, bool isDcm, bool isIcm, bool isInf, bool isDbg, bool isTmp, char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen]) |
Sets the logging parameters actually used by the internal DLL functions. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetState2 (char *state) |
Informs the daemon about the internal state (mode) of a supported application. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetState (char *str1, char *str2) |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetMode (ScDaemonMode mode) |
This function is for internal use only - do not call it. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDaemonPar (int par, int *valP) |
Retrieves one of the integer or boolean parameters available in the Daemon's configuration file "daemon.ini". More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetDaemonPar (int par, int *valP) |
Sets one of the integer or boolean parameters available in the Daemon's configuration file "daemon.ini". More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDevInfo (int devIdx, ScDevInfo *diP) |
Retrieves some information data about the device with the given index. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDefDevPars (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP) |
Retrieves the default values of the device parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDevPars (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP) |
Retrieves the actual device parameters as listed in the *.cfg files. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetDevPars (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP) |
Sets and retrieves the actual device parameters as listed in the device's configuration file. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetDevParsToDefaults (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP) |
Sets the actual device parameters to the defaults and retrieves the new parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetBasicSettings (int devIdx, ScBasicSettings *bsP) |
Retrieves the actual basic settings parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetBasicSettings (int devIdx, ScBasicSettings *bsP) |
Sets and retrieves the actual basic settings parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetAdvancedSettings (int devIdx, ScAdvancedSettings *asP) |
Retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetAdvancedSettings (int devIdx, ScAdvancedSettings *bsP) |
Sets and retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetAdvSens (int devIdx, ScAdvSens *dpP) |
Retrieves the actual six sensitivity parameters of the advanced settings. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetAdvSens (int devIdx, ScAdvSens *dpP) |
Sets and retrieves the six actual sensitivity parameters of the advanced settings. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetStdMode (int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP) |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetStdMode (int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP) |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetCmprMode (int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP) |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetCmprMode (int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP) |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetSens (int devIdx, int *transSensP, int *rotSensP) |
Retrieves the device's sensitivity. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetSens (int devIdx, int *transSensP, int *rotSensP) |
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetXTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-translation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetXTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-axis' translation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetYTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-translation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetYTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-axis' translation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetZTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-translation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetZTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' translation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetXRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-rotation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetXRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-axis' rotation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetYRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Retrieves the SC device's sensitivity for the y-rotation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetYRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Sets and retrieves the SpaceControl device's sensitivity for the y-axis' rotation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetZRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-rotation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetZRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP) |
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' rotation. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetSendDelay (int devIdx, int *maxPeriodP, int *minPeriodP) |
Retrieves the devic's data rate parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetSendDelay (int devIdx, int *maxPeriodP, int *minPeriodP) |
Sets and retrieves the devices's data rate parameters. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetNullRad (int devIdx, int *nullRadP) |
Retrieves the device's null radius (threshold). More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetNullRad (int devIdx, int *nullRadP) |
Sets and retrieves the device's null radius (threshold). More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetStdZero (int devIdx) |
Sets the actual displacement of the cap as the standard 0 value. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scFetchStdData (int devIdx, short *xP, short *yP, short *zP, short *aP, short *bP, short *cP, int *traLmhP, int *rotLmhP, int *eventP, long *tvSecP, long *tvUsecP) |
Fetches the standard data set. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetRawData (int devIdx, unsigned char buf[RAW_DATA_LEN]) |
The opto-electronical sensor integrated into the cap consists of six LEDs illuminating six position sensitive devices (PSD) producing data between 0 and 1023. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Answers with true if the translational mode is set. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Sets and retrieves the translational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetXTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Answers with true if the x-axis' translational data will be transmitted. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetXTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the x-axis. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetYTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Answers with true if the y-axis' translational data will be transmitted. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetYTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the y-axis. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetZTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Answers with true if the z-axis' translational data will be transmitted. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetZTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP) |
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the z-axis. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetXTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Answers with true if the x-axis' translational mode is set to reverse. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetXTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse translational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetYTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Answers with true if the y-axis' translational mode is set to reverse. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetYTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse translational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetZTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Answers with true if the z-axis' translational mode is set to reverse. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetZTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse translational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Answers with true if the rotational mode is set. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetXRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational data will be transmitted. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetXRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the x-axis. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetYRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational data will be transmitted. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetYRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the y-axis. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetZRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational data will be transmitted. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetZRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP) |
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the z-axis. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetXRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetXRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse rotational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetYRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetYRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse rotational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetZRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetZRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP) |
Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse rotational mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetDom (int devIdx, bool *isDomP) |
Answers with true if the dominant mode is set. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetDom (int devIdx, bool *isDomP) |
Sets and retrieves the dominant mode. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scReadMsg (int devIdx, char *msgP) |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetCfgFilename (int devIdx, char *filenameP) |
Retrieves the name and path of the device's actual configuration file. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSaveDevPars (int devIdx, char *filenameP) |
Saves the actual parameters of the device with index devIdx to the configuration file given in filePath. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scLoadDevPars (int devIdx, char *filenameP, ScDevPars *dpP) |
Loads the parameters in the configuration file given in filePath into the device with index devIdx. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scPressKey (int devIdx, int key) |
Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is pressed, i. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scRelKey (int devIdx, int key) |
Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is released. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetLed (int devIdx, int ledNo, int *brightnessP) |
Sets and retrieves the brightness of a single LED. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetLed (int devIdx, int ledNo, int *brightnessP) |
Gets the brightness of a single LED. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetLeds (int devIdx, int *redP, int *greenP, int *blueP) |
Sets and retrieves the brightness of the device's blue LEDs. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetLedsEx (int devIdx, char brightness[LED_NUM]) |
Sets and retrieves the brightness of all LEDs. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetLedsEx (int devIdx, char brightness[LED_NUM]) |
Gets the brightnesses of all LEDs. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetLcd (int devIdx, int *brightnessP) |
Sets and retrieves the LCD's brightness Example: More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetLcd (int devIdx, int *brightnessP) |
Retrieves the LCD's brightness. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetLcdColor (int devIdx, int *redP, int *greenP, int *blueP) |
Sets and retrieves the LCD's background color. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scSetDsplString (int devIdx, int row, char text[MAX_DSPL_STR_LEN], int *charNumP) |
Sets a line of text into the display. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scGetFmwUpdtState (int devIdx, int *mcuIdP, int *progressP) |
Retrieves the state of a firmware update in progress. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scExecCmd (int devIdx, char *cmdP) |
Executes a special command. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scTriggerFunction (int devIdx, int funcIdx) |
Triggers the function with index funcIdx. More... | |
SC_API ScStatus | scTransferCallbackFunction (int devIdx, stdDataCallbackP cbP) |
This function hands over a callback function pointer to the API. More... | |
The SpaceController DLL's header file.
Include this file into your code if using the DLL's commands.
typedef int(* stdDataCallbackP) (short x, short y, short z, short a, short b, short c, int traLmh, int rotLmh, int event, long tvSec, long tvUsec) |
Callback function's signature when using scRegisterCallbackFunction() to get data packets from a device.
enum ScStatus |
These status values are returned by the DLL functions.
SC_API ScStatus scSetMode | ( | ScDaemonMode | mode | ) |
This function is for internal use only - do not call it.
mode | SC_DMN_NRM normal mode, SC_DMN_TST test mode |
Returns a DLL function's status code as a string.
ss | status code to be retrieved |
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Copyright (c) SpaceControl GmbH & Co. KG, Am Technologiepark 10, D-82229 Seefeld |