
Quick Start Guide

Thank you for using our 3D input device. Of course you are experienced in installing drivers and software. Nevertheless you should read this short guidance - as always the devil is in the details, and this tutorial shall help you to set up things quickly.

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1. Content of the Package

In your box you should find the following items:

2. Installing the Driver and Plug-ins

The first step (before connecting the device with your computer) is the installation of the driver software:

3. Connecting the Device With the Computer

Plug the device directly into a free USB slot, don't use an USB hub (this may cause trouble in some cases).


Some messages concerning a new device should pop up in your task bar.

4. Starting the Driver

For getting data from the device, the driver has to be running. If the driver is installed there will be a new folder in your Start menu named SpaceControl. Click on the item Start Driver.

start menu

Maybe your firewall strikes its bell because the driver uses the Internet protocol for its internal communication. Allow this, there is nothing wrong, the driver will send no data into the web.


When the driver is running there will be a little tray icon on the right side in your task bar as shown above.

5. Opening the SpaceController Panel

All the driver's settings can be adjusted with the SpaceControl Panel. Click on the menu item "Programs/SpaceControl/Start SpaceControl Panel" in your Start menu to open it.

Control Panel

Move the cap, and you should see white bars and arcs symbolising the movement. If this does not work, disconnect the device and connect it again (in rare cases the connection may fail when the device is connected the first time).
The Control Panel can be opened and closed also with the PANEL key on the SpaceController.

The most important settings can be adjusted in the main dialog shown above. E. g. move the slider Sensitivity to adjust the cap's sensititvity. Further settings can be found when opening the Advanced Configuration or Function Assignment dialogs. See the manual for details.

6. Loading and Saving Configurations

The driver monitors the desktop and checks which application is in the foreground. This application's name can be seen beside the label Active Application in the panel's status bar, see below. If there is a special configuration for this application, the driver loads this configuration and sets all of the device's parameters to the values stored in it as soon as the application comes into the foreground.

marked control panel

What is a "special configuration"? All configurations are stored as configuration files (with file extension ".cfg") in a folder "SpaceController" in the user's home directory. The driver checks for the name of the foreground application, appends the extension ".cfg" to the name and tries to load this configuration file as a special configuration for this application. If there is no file with this name, it always loads the file "common.cfg". Which file is actually loaded you can see in the SpaceController's main window in the Device Type panel beside the label Settings File.
Obviously there is no special configuration for the application "notepad" in the example above because the file "common.cfg" is loaded.
Creating a special configuration is easy: Just open the File menu and click on "Save Configuration As ...". A file dialog will appear offering the correct file name for the actual foreground application:

file dialog

Just click on the Save button, and you have a special configuration which is always loaded when this application comes into the foreground.
Once the file is loaded you can adjust all settings you want. Be sure to create a configuration file before you adjust the settings for an application: Otherwise you would change the settings in the file "common.cfg".

Now you can use your SpaceController in a productive way. Have fun!

SpaceControl Copyright © SpaceControl GmbH & Co. KG, Am Technologiepark 10, 82229 Seefeld, Germany