Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception is thrown if an foreground application name is not found by the
SC daemon.
class |
This exception is thrown if the SC daemon detects a communication error
between itself and a SC device.
class |
This exception is thrown if the command can not be executed.
class |
This exception is thrown if the SC daemon detects a file input/output error
This happens usually if saving or reading configuration data fails.
class |
This exception is thrown if simulation of key press and release events fail.
class |
This exception is thrown if the SC daemon is ordered to execute a command not
supported by the device.
class |
This exception is thrown if a data parameter given to one of the wrapper
functions is out of range.
class |
This exception is thrown if the SC daemon detects an error when accessing the
Windows registry.
class |
This exception is thrown if a callback thread in the API could not be created.
class |
This Exception is thrown if the device index given as parameter to a wrapper
function is out of range.
class |
This exception is thrown if a user's application tries to connect with the
daemon, and the daemon's user is not the same as the application's user is.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scConnect2(boolean isAlwaysReceivingData,
java.lang.String applName)
Establishes the connection to the SpaceController daemon.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scDelCurrentUserRegValue(ScTwoStrings in)
Deletes a string value in the Windows registry under the base key
static void |
Closes the connection to the SpaceController daemon.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scExecCmd(int devIdx,
java.lang.String in)
Executes a special command.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scFetchStdData(int devIdx,
ScStdData out)
Fetches the standard data set.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetAdvancedSettings(int devIdx,
ScAdvancedSettings out)
Retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetAdvSens(int devIdx,
ScAdvSens out)
Retrieves the actual six sensitivity parameters of the advanced settings.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetBasicSettings(int devIdx,
ScBasicSettings out)
Retrieves the actual basic settings parameters.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetCfgFileName(int devIdx,
ScOneString out)
Retrieves the name and path of the device's actual configuration file.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetCmprMode(int devIdx,
ScOneByte out)
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetDaemonPar(int par,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves one of the integer or boolean parameters available in the
Daemon's configuration file "daemon.ini".
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetDefDevPars(int devIdx,
ScDevPars out)
Retrieves the default values of the device parameters.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetDevInfo(int devIdx,
ScDevInfo out)
Retrieves some information data about the device with the given index.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetDevNum(ScThreeInts out)
Retrieves the number devNum of SpaceController devices actually connected to
the computer and the maximal device index a device maxDevIdx may be
addressed with at the moment.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetDevPars(int devIdx,
ScDevPars out)
Retrieves the device's parameters as listed in the *.cfg files.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetDmnVrsn(ScTwoStrings out)
Retrieves the SpaceController daemon's software version and the path to
its binary file.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetDom(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the dominant mode is set.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetFgAppl(ScTwoStrings out)
Retrieves the name and potentially the state of the foreground application.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetFmwUpdtState(int devIdx,
ScTwoInts out)
Retrieves the state of a firmware update in progress.
The SpaceController contains three micro controllers (MCU): The main micro controller (#1). |
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetLcd(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Gets the LCD's brightness.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetLed(int devIdx,
int ledNo,
ScOneInt out)
Gets the brightness of a single LED.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetLedsEx(int devIdx,
byte[] buf)
Gets the brightnesses of all LEDs.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetNullRad(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves the device's null radius (threshold).
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetRawData(int devIdx,
byte[] buf)
The opto-electronical sensor integrated into the cap consists of six LEDs
illuminating six position sensitive devices (PSD) producing data between
0 and 1023.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the rotational mode is set.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetSendDelay(int devIdx,
ScTwoInts out)
Retrieves the device's data rate parameters.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetSens(int devIdx,
ScTwoInts out)
Retrieves the SC device's sensitivity.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetStdData(int devIdx,
ScStdData out)
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetStdMode(int devIdx,
ScOneByte out)
Retrieves the operating mode for standard data.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the translational mode is set.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetXRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational data will be transmitted.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetXRotRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetXRotSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-rotation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetXTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the x-axis' translational data will be transmitted.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetXTraRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the x-axis' translational data is set to reverse.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetXTraSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-translation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetYRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational data will be transmitted.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetYRotRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetYRotSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-rotation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetYTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the y-axis' translational data will be transmitted.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetYTraRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the y-axis' translational mode is set to reverse.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetYTraSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-translation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetZRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational data will be transmitted.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetZRotRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetZRotSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-rotation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetZTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the z-axis' translational data will be transmitted.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetZTraRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean out)
Answers with true if the z-axis' translational mode is set to reverse.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scGetZTraSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt out)
Retrieves the SC device's sensitivity for the z-translation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scLoadDevPars(int devIdx,
ScOneString in,
ScDevPars out)
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scLoadDevPars(int devIdx,
java.lang.String in,
ScDevPars out)
Loads the parameters in the configuration file given in filePath into the
device with index devIdx.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scPressKey(int devIdx,
int key)
Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is pressed.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scQueryCurrentUserRegValue(ScTwoStrings in,
int len,
ScOneString out)
Queries a string value from the Windows registry under the base key
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scRelKey(int devIdx,
int key)
Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is released.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSaveDevPars(int devIdx,
ScOneString in)
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSaveDevPars(int devIdx,
java.lang.String in)
Saves the actual parameters of the device with index devIdx to the
configuration file given in filePath.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetAdvancedSettings(int devIdx,
ScAdvancedSettings inout)
Sets and retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetAdvSens(int devIdx,
ScAdvSens inout)
Sets and retrieves the six actual sensitivity parameters of the advanced
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetBasicSettings(int devIdx,
ScBasicSettings inout)
Sets and retrieves the actual basic settings parameters.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetCmprMode(int devIdx,
ScOneByte inout)
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetCurrentUserRegValue(ScThreeStrings in)
Sets a new string value into the Windows registry under the base key
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetDaemonPar(int par,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets one of the integer or boolean parameters available in the Daemon's
configuration file "daemon.ini".
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetDevPars(int devIdx,
ScDevPars inout)
Sets and retrieves the actual device parameters listed in the device's
configuration file.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetDevParsToDefaults(int devIdx,
ScDevPars out)
Sets the actual device parameters to the defaults and retrieves the new
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetDom(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the dominant mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetDsplString(int devIdx,
int row,
java.lang.String text,
ScOneInt out)
Sets a line of text into the display.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetLcd(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the LCD's brightness.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetLcdColor(int devIdx,
ScThreeInts inout)
Sets and retrieves the LCD's background color.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetLed(int devIdx,
int ledNo,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the brightness of a single LED.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetLeds(int devIdx,
ScThreeInts inout)
Sets and retrieves the brightness of the three types of LEDs built in into
the device.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetLedsEx(int devIdx,
byte[] buf)
Sets and retrieves the brightness of of all LEDs.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetMode(ScOneInt in)
This function is for internal use only - do not call it.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetNullRad(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the device's null radius (threshold).
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetSendDelay(int devIdx,
ScTwoInts inout)
Sets and retrieves the devices's data rate parameters.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetSens(int devIdx,
ScTwoInts inout)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetState(ScTwoStrings in)
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetState2(java.lang.String state)
Informs the daemon about the internal state (mode) of a supported
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetStdMode(int devIdx,
ScOneByte inout)
Sets and retrieves the operating mode for standard data.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetStdZero(int devIdx)
Sets the actual displacement of the cap as the standard 0 value.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetXRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the x-axis.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetXRotRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse rotational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetXRotSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-axis' rotation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetXTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the x-axis.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetXTraRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse translational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetXTraSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the SC device's sensitivity for the x-axis'
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetYRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the y-axis.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetYRotRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse rotational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetYRotSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-axis' rotation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetYTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the y-axis.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetYTraRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse translational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetYTraSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-axis' translation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetZRot(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the z-axis.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetZRotRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse rotational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetZRotSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' rotation.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetZTra(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the z-axis.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetZTraRev(int devIdx,
ScOneBoolean inout)
Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse translational mode.
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scSetZTraSens(int devIdx,
ScOneInt inout)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' translation.
static void |
Sends the SpaceController Daemon a stop message, the process finishes itself
after sending an OK message.\n
Example: |
static void |
ScDllWrapper.scTriggerFunction(int devIdx,
int funcIdx) |