22 #error spc_ctrlr.h is only for C++! 38 #define SC_API __declspec(dllexport) 40 #define SC_API __declspec(dllimport) 54 #include "scDevPars.h" 62 #define MIN_STD_MODE 0 63 #define MAX_STD_MODE 7 64 #define MIN_CMPR_MODE 0 65 #define MAX_CMPR_MODE 119 67 #define MAX_PERIOD 405 70 #define MIN_NULL_RAD 0 71 #define MAX_NULL_RAD 15 72 #define MIN_BRIGHTNESS 0 73 #define MAX_BRIGHTNESS 15 74 #define MIN_COLOR_VAL 0 75 #define MAX_COLOR_VAL 255 76 #define MAX_AVE_NUM 15 77 #define NO_BRGHT_CHANGE MAX_BRIGHTNESS+1 78 #define FORCE_SET_BRIGHTNESS 20 80 #define MAX_LMH_BND 5000 81 #define RAW_DATA_LEN 28 82 #define MAX_FRM_REC_DATA_LEN 83 83 #define RAM_PAGE_PART_LEN 69 85 #define MAX_DEV_NUM 16 87 #define MAX_KEY_IDX 16 88 #define MAX_STR_LEN 32 89 #define MAX_DSPL_STR_LEN 40 90 #define MIN_DSPL_ROW 0 91 #define MAX_DSPL_ROW 6 92 #define FLAG_OFFSET 100 93 #define MOTION_EVT "MotionEvent" 94 #define BUT_PRESS_EVT "ButtonPressEvent" 95 #define BUT_REL_EVT "ButtonReleaseEvent" 96 #define CMD_EVT "CommandEvent" 97 #define TASK_BAR_EVT "TaskBarEvent" 98 #define UNNAMED_TRNS "unnamedTrncvr" 99 #define DEV_DCN_EVT "DeviceDisconnectEvent" 100 #define SB_MOTION_EVT "SpaceballMotionEventType" 101 #define SB_BUT_PRESS_EVT "SpaceballButtonPressEventType" 102 #define SB_BUT_REL_EVT "SpaceballButtonReleaseEventType" 103 #define SB_CMD_EVT "SpaceballPassThruCommandEventType" 104 #define SW_CMD_EVT "SpaceWarePassThruCommandEventType" 127 MagellanSetWindowCommand = 27695,
128 MagellanApplicationSensitivity,
130 MagellanApplicationStarts,
132 MagellanNullRadiusChange,
133 MagellanControlPanel,
134 MagellanInternSendCommand,
135 MagellanSetActiveLed,
264 #define MAX_SERIALNO_LEN 16 265 #define MAX_DESCRPTN_LEN 64 296 #define MAX_VERSION_LEN 16 297 #define MAX_FILENAME_LEN 256 313 #define MAX_APPL_NAME_LEN 32 314 #define MAX_APPL_STATE_LEN 32 315 // fse, 28.02.17: MAX_APPL_STATE_LEN von 16 auf 32 verdoppelt, weil Blender u.a. 381 typedef int (*
short x,
short y,
short z,
short a,
short b,
short c,
int traLmh,
int rotLmh,
int event,
long tvSec,
long tvUsec);
403 SC_API ScStatus scGetDllLogPars(
char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen],
int* maxSizeP,
bool* isLogToFileP,
bool* isLogToCnslP,
bool* isWrnP,
bool* isCrtP,
bool* isTrcP,
bool* isDcmP,
bool* isIcmP,
bool* isInfP,
bool* isDbgP,
bool* isTmpP,
char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen]);
404 SC_API ScStatus scSetDllLogPars(
char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen],
int maxSize ,
bool isLogToFile ,
bool isLogToCnsl ,
bool isWrn ,
bool isCrt ,
bool isTrc ,
bool isDcm ,
bool isIcm ,
bool isInf ,
bool isDbg ,
bool isTmp ,
char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen]);
431 SC_API ScStatus scGetCmprMode (
int devIdx,
unsigned char* bitmaskP);
432 SC_API ScStatus scSetCmprMode (
int devIdx,
unsigned char* bitmaskP);
464 SC_API ScStatus scFetchStdData(
int devIdx,
short* xP,
short* yP,
short* zP,
short* aP,
short* bP,
short* cP,
int* traLmhP,
int* rotLmhP,
int* eventP,
long* tvSecP,
long* tvUsecP);
SC_API ScStatus scSetZRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the z-axis.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5015
SC_API ScStatus scSetDevPars(int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
Sets and retrieves the actual device parameters as listed in the device's configuration file...
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2057
SC_API ScStatus scGetZTraRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Answers with true if the z-axis' translational mode is set to reverse.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4645
the expected application was not found
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:366
SC_API ScStatus scGetSens(int devIdx, int *transSensP, int *rotSensP)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2658
SC_API ScStatus scSetDevParsToDefaults(int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
Sets the actual device parameters to the defaults and retrieves the new parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2103
SC_API ScStatus scSetLed(int devIdx, int ledNo, int *brightnessP)
Sets and retrieves the brightness of a single LED.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5770
SC_API ScStatus scSetZTraSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' translation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2954
SC_API ScStatus scSetZTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the z-axis.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4439
SC_API ScStatus scGetAdvSens(int devIdx, ScAdvSens *dpP)
Retrieves the actual six sensitivity parameters of the advanced settings.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2331
SC_API ScStatus scGetYTraSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-translation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2835
SC_API ScStatus scSetMode(ScDaemonMode mode)
This function is for internal use only - do not call it.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1731
SC_API ScStatus scGetRawData(int devIdx, unsigned char buf[RAW_DATA_LEN])
The opto-electronical sensor integrated into the cap consists of six LEDs illuminating six position s...
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4106
SC_API ScStatus scTriggerFunction(int devIdx, int funcIdx)
Triggers the function with index funcIdx.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5626
SC_API ScStatus scGetLcd(int devIdx, int *brightnessP)
Retrieves the LCD's brightness.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5893
Structure needed for communication via the MS Windows messaging system or the X-Server messaging syst...
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:236
Structure holding the Daemon software's version no.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:303
SC_API ScStatus scGetDefDevPars(int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
Retrieves the default values of the device parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1879
SC_API ScStatus scSetXRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the x-axis.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4851
SC_API ScStatus scGetZTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Answers with true if the z-axis' translational data will be transmitted.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4399
SC_API ScStatus scGetLed(int devIdx, int ledNo, int *brightnessP)
Gets the brightness of a single LED.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5728
SC_API ScStatus scGetStdMode(int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP)
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2448
SC_API ScStatus scGetLedsEx(int devIdx, char brightness[LED_NUM])
Gets the brightnesses of all LEDs.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5810
thread for reading data from devices could not be started
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:370
communication error occurred
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:361
SC_API ScStatus scSetDaemonPar(int par, int *valP)
Sets one of the integer or boolean parameters available in the Daemon's configuration file "daemon...
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1806
the DLL's user is not the same as the daemon's user
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:371
void setVrsn(char *inP)
sets the member mVrsn
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:307
SC_API ScStatus scSetYRotSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Sets and retrieves the SpaceControl device's sensitivity for the y-axis' rotation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3116
SC_API ScStatus scTransferCallbackFunction(int devIdx, stdDataCallbackP cbP)
This function hands over a callback function pointer to the API.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4026
SC_API ScStatus scDisconnect()
Closes the connection to the SpaceControl daemon.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1156
Structure holding a foreground application's name and state.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:325
SC_API ScStatus scSetTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4192
SC_API ScStatus scGetCfgFilename(int devIdx, char *filenameP)
Retrieves the name and path of the device's actual configuration file.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5415
SC_API ScStatus scSetAdvSens(int devIdx, ScAdvSens *dpP)
Sets and retrieves the six actual sensitivity parameters of the advanced settings.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2380
This enumeration is reserved for internal use.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:221
SC_API ScStatus scGetZRotSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-rotation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3159
file could not be written or read
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:364
SC_API ScStatus scGetYTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Answers with true if the y-axis' translational data will be transmitted.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4316
SC_API ScStatus scFetchStdData(int devIdx, short *xP, short *yP, short *zP, short *aP, short *bP, short *cP, int *traLmhP, int *rotLmhP, int *eventP, long *tvSecP, long *tvUsecP)
Fetches the standard data set.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3711
SC_API ScStatus scSetAdvancedSettings(int devIdx, ScAdvancedSettings *bsP)
Sets and retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2287
SC_API ScStatus scSaveDevPars(int devIdx, char *filenameP)
Saves the actual parameters of the device with index devIdx to the configuration file given in filePa...
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5453
SC_API ScStatus scGetDllLogPars(char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen], int *maxSizeP, bool *isLogToFileP, bool *isLogToCnslP, bool *isWrnP, bool *isCrtP, bool *isTrcP, bool *isDcmP, bool *isIcmP, bool *isInfP, bool *isDbgP, bool *isTmpP, char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen])
Retrieves the logging parameters and filenames actually used by the internal DLL functions.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1429
#define RAW_DATA_LEN
length of the raw data buffer
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:81
SC_API ScStatus scSetZRotSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' rotation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3197
SC_API ScStatus scSetXRotRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse rotational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5097
SC_API ScStatus scGetRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Answers with true if the rotational mode is set.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4728
one or more parameters are out of range
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:363
SC_API ScStatus scGetNullRad(int devIdx, int *nullRadP)
Retrieves the device's null radius (threshold).
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3350
SC_API ScStatus scDelCurrentUserRegValue(char *keyP, char *nameP)
Deletes a string value in the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:888
SC_API ScStatus scGetYRotSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Retrieves the SC device's sensitivity for the y-rotation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3078
SC_API ScStatus scGetDaemonPar(int par, int *valP)
Retrieves one of the integer or boolean parameters available in the Daemon's configuration file "daem...
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1768
SC_API ScStatus scGetAdvancedSettings(int devIdx, ScAdvancedSettings *asP)
Retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2239
not used
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:372
SC_API char * scStatusToStr(ScStatus ks)
Returns a DLL function's status code as a string.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:753
maximal length of an application name
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:313
SC_API ScStatus scSetXTraSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-axis' translation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2792
void setPath(char *inP)
sets the member mPath
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:308
SC_API ScStatus scRelKey(int devIdx, int key)
Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is released.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5576
SC_API ScStatus scGetFmwUpdtState(int devIdx, int *mcuIdP, int *progressP)
Retrieves the state of a firmware update in progress.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:6097
SC_API ScStatus scSetBasicSettings(int devIdx, ScBasicSettings *bsP)
Sets and retrieves the actual basic settings parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2195
void setDescrptn(char *inP)
sets the member mDescrptn
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:291
void setFilename(char *inP)
sets the member mFilename
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:343
SC_API ScStatus scSetYTraRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse translational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4603
void setSerialNo(char *inP)
sets the member mSerialNo
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:290
max. length of a string in the LCD
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:89
SC_API ScStatus scGetDevPars(int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
Retrieves the actual device parameters as listed in the *.cfg files.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1922
SC_API ScStatus scSetZTraRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse translational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4685
SC_API ScStatus scSetLcdColor(int devIdx, int *redP, int *greenP, int *blueP)
Sets and retrieves the LCD's background color.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5983
SC_API ScStatus scSetCurrentUserRegValue(char *keyP, char *nameP, char *valueP)
Sets a new string value into the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:815
SC_API ScStatus scSetNullRad(int devIdx, int *nullRadP)
Sets and retrieves the device's null radius (threshold).
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3391
SC_API ScStatus scSetXTraRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse translational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4521
void setState(char *inP)
sets the member mState
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:330
description's max. length
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:265
SC_API ScStatus scConnect2(bool isAlwaysReceivingData, char *applName)
Establishes the connection to the SpaceControl daemon.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:945
error while accessing the Windows registry
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:367
SC_API ScStatus scGetFgAppl(char *fgApplP, char *fgApplStateP)
Retrieves the name and potentially the state of the foreground application.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1356
SC_API ScStatus scSetStdZero(int devIdx)
Sets the actual displacement of the cap as the standard 0 value.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3432
SC_API ScStatus scQueryCurrentUserRegValue(char *keyP, char *nameP, int len, char *valueP)
Queries a string value from the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:853
SC_API ScStatus scSetXRotSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-axis' rotation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3035
SC_API ScStatus scSetDllLogPars(char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen], int maxSize, bool isLogToFile, bool isLogToCnsl, bool isWrn, bool isCrt, bool isTrc, bool isDcm, bool isIcm, bool isInf, bool isDbg, bool isTmp, char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen])
Sets the logging parameters actually used by the internal DLL functions.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1526
Structure holding the path and filename of a configuration file to write to harddisk or read from it...
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:340
SC_API ScStatus scSetXTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the x-axis.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4274
version number's max. length
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:296
SC_API ScStatus scSetLedsEx(int devIdx, char brightness[LED_NUM])
Sets and retrieves the brightness of all LEDs.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5851
SC_API ScStatus scGetZRotRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5221
#define SC_API
macro is needed for defining DLL ex- and import
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:46
function successfully executed
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:360
SC_API ScStatus scGetXTraRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Answers with true if the x-axis' translational mode is set to reverse.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4481
SC_API ScStatus scGetDom(int devIdx, bool *isDomP)
Answers with true if the dominant mode is set.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5304
SC_API ScStatus scGetXTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Answers with true if the x-axis' translational data will be transmitted.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4234
SC_API ScStatus scGetZTraSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-translation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2916
void setId(int in)
sets the member mId
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:289
SC_API ScStatus scPressKey(int devIdx, int key)
Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is pressed, i.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5535
SC_API ScStatus scGetYTraRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Answers with true if the y-axis' translational mode is set to reverse.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4563
command is not supported by this device type
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:368
SC_API ScStatus scGetDevInfo(int devIdx, ScDevInfo *diP)
Retrieves some information data about the device with the given index.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1838
SC_API ScStatus scGetSendDelay(int devIdx, int *maxPeriodP, int *minPeriodP)
Retrieves the devic's data rate parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3251
SC_API ScStatus scSetYRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the y-axis.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4933
SC_API ScStatus scSetDom(int devIdx, bool *isDomP)
Sets and retrieves the dominant mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5345
sending of keystrokes failed
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:365
SC_API ScStatus scGetTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Answers with true if the translational mode is set.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4151
SC_API ScStatus scSetState2(char *state)
Informs the daemon about the internal state (mode) of a supported application.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1619
SC_API ScStatus scGetXRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational data will be transmitted.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4811
SC_API ScStatus scGetDmnVrsn(char *versionP, char *pathP)
Retrieves the SpaceControl daemon's software version and its binary name and path.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1224
serial number's max. length
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:264
int(* stdDataCallbackP)(short x, short y, short z, short a, short b, short c, int traLmh, int rotLmh, int event, long tvSec, long tvUsec)
Callback function's signature when using scRegisterCallbackFunction() to get data packets from a devi...
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:381
SC_API ScStatus scSetLcd(int devIdx, int *brightnessP)
Sets and retrieves the LCD's brightness Example:
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5930
SC_API ScStatus scSetZRotRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse rotational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5261
command could not be executed
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:369
SC_API ScStatus scGetYRotRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5139
SC_API ScStatus scLoadDevPars(int devIdx, char *filenameP, ScDevPars *dpP)
Loads the parameters in the configuration file given in filePath into the device with index devIdx...
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5489
Enumeration to name the parameters in the daemon.ini's [PROGRAM] section.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:189
SC_API ScStatus scSetState(char *str1, char *str2)
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1694
SC_API ScStatus scSetSens(int devIdx, int *transSensP, int *rotSensP)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2708
SC_API ScStatus scSetDsplString(int devIdx, int row, char text[MAX_DSPL_STR_LEN], int *charNumP)
Sets a line of text into the display.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:6034
SC_API ScStatus scGetBasicSettings(int devIdx, ScBasicSettings *bsP)
Retrieves the actual basic settings parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2147
SC_API ScStatus scSetYTraSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-axis' translation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2873
SC_API ScStatus scConnect()
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1000
SC_API ScStatus scGetXRotRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5057
SC_API ScStatus scSetYTra(int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the y-axis.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4356
SC_API ScStatus scStop()
Sends the SpaceControl Daemon a stop message, the process finishes itself after sending an OK message...
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1191
SC_API ScStatus scSetYRotRev(int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse rotational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5179
SC_API ScStatus scGetXRotSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-rotation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2997
SC_API ScStatus scGetYRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational data will be transmitted.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4893
void setName(char *inP)
sets the member mName
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:329
SC_API ScStatus scGetDevNum(int *devNumP, int *usedDevNumP, int *maxDevIdxP)
Retrieves the number devNum of SpaceControl devices actually connected to the computer, the number usedDevNum of SpaceControl devices actually used by the driver and the maximal device index maxDevIdx a device may be addressed with at the moment.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:1290
Enumeration for the various Windows-Events for Windows message handling.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:111
max. length of path and filename for configuration files (and logging files)
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:297
SC_API ScStatus scGetZRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational data will be transmitted.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4975
SC_API ScStatus scSetSendDelay(int devIdx, int *maxPeriodP, int *minPeriodP)
Sets and retrieves the devices's data rate parameters.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:3305
SC_API ScStatus scExecCmd(int devIdx, char *cmdP)
Executes a special command.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:6155
maximal length of an application's state
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:314
int mId
identifier for the SpaceController device
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:286
SC_API ScStatus scGetXTraSens(int devIdx, int *sensP)
Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-translation.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2754
SC_API ScStatus scSetRot(int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
Sets and retrieves the rotational mode.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:4769
These status values are returned by the DLL functions.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:358
Information structure concerning a SpaceController device.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:284
SC_API ScStatus scIsProcessRunning(char *processName, bool *isRunningP)
Checks if the process with the given name is running or not.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:786
a wrong device index was given
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:362
SC_API ScStatus scSetStdMode(int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP)
Definition: sc_dll.cc:2495
SC_API ScStatus scSetLeds(int devIdx, int *redP, int *greenP, int *blueP)
Sets and retrieves the brightness of the device's blue LEDs.
Definition: sc_dll.cc:5682
Enumeration to name the device's keys.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:144
In case of a command event these commands are possible.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:123
#define LED_NUM
Anzahl der LEDs.
Definition: spc_ctrlr.h:84